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Port Moresby Police to probe Lae shootings

PNG Police Commisioner Geoffrey Vaki says
Port Moresby Police will investigate Lae shootings
POLICE Commissioner Geoffrey Vaki has assigned a team of detectives from Port Moresby to investigate Lae shootings. Mr. Vaki  issued orders for immediate investigations into the shooting of a woman and the murder of a Singaporean businessman in Lae, Morobe Province.

Ms Pisimi was allegedly chased by police and private security guards towards the back road in Lae at around 3:30am on January 1, before she was found dead inside her car.

Mr Vaki said a senior detective from Port Moresby will be in charge, and depending on the outcome of these investigations, necessary charges would be laid against those responsible for the killings.

Commissioner Vaki said the investigation team was coming from Port Moresby because of the barrage of accusations levelled against police in the Pisimi shooting incident.

"The Pisimi shooting would be investigated like every other homicide case and necessary lawful action would be taken against the perpetrators" Commissioner Vaki said yesterday.

He said the team would also vigorously investigate the murder of a Singaporean businessman who was found dead inside his home at Lae’s Eriku suburb.

The Commissioner said police will use all available means and resources to hunt down the killers and bring them to justice.

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