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Gary Juffa vows to head on

Oro Governor Gary Juffa vows to head on. Photo credit. NBC
Northern Governor Gary Juffa has again vowed to continue his fight for ordinary Papua New Guinean's- the marginalised and unheard communities, irrespective of him being pushed to the Opposition or in the government.
Juffa when speaking live on NBC's Wokabaut program yesterday (Monday, 23-05-15), he said, he still don't understand the logic behind his removal from the middle benches, to the Opposition side.
The outspoken leader said whatever the reason he will continue to be the voice of the silent majority, fighting on their behalf in Parliament, because he believes, the issues he often raised in Parliament are people's issues.
He said people raised issues because it affects them in one way or another, and gradually affects PNG as a whole, and as the national leader, he has to represent and speak not only for his people in Oro but the people of PNG and promote their agendas and concerns.
The no nonsense governor when ask how he is going to fight for the issues he raise, when pushed to the Opposition, Juffa simply said nothing will stop him, as he is fighting with his heart, and he will continue to make noise where ever, whenever possible.
The West Papuan Issues, lack of government policy regarding National Security, PNG Taxation, SABL, Illegal Logging, Sea- bed mining, Influx of Illegal Foreigners and others were among Governor Juffa's priority list of issues, which he whole heatedly, and continuously raised in Parliament and on Social Media.


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