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PNG Opposition calls for strict VISAs and granting of citizenship

PNG Opposition leader Don Polye calls on strict VISA
and granting of citizenship.
The Opposition has cautioned the government to be wary when issuing visas or granting citizenship to foreigners in the country.
Leader Don Polye said this when commenting on the deportation of a Nigerian National last week, after he was in the country illegally, for some time.
He said, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Immigration without proper screening, issues visa's and granting citizenships to foreigners.
Polye said such people poise a high risk to national security, who are involved in money laundering, and other trans-national crimes which include human trafficking and the sex trade.
Mr Polye reiterated that the Police Intelligence Unit should also be fully resourced and also tasked to foster a good working bilateral relationship with international organizations that fight against crime.
He said when they are in government, they will fight multi-national crime through a multi-partnership arrangement, which will include the three disciplinary forces, Fisheries, Forestry, Border Development Authorities, Customs, PNG Ports, Civil Aviation, National Maritime Safety Authority and the National Intelligence Organization among others.Mr.
Polye also said that the Opposition will also be pushing for prosecution powers to be shared by all these agencies to combat these illegal activities, and also further develop strategic partnerships with Australia, USA as well as other Western and Asian countries.
Foreign Affairs Minister Rimbink Pato Left and Opposition Leader Don Polye Right

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