2015 Pacific Games Security Operations to begin next week

Up to 500 policemen and policewomen will be tasked to ‘clean up’ Port Moresby city before teams and officials from participating countries throughout the Pacific begin to stream into Port Moresby to partake in the carnival from July 4 to 18.
After the launch, the Constabulary’s Traffic Directorate will be required to work more closely with the National Road Safety Council and Transport Departments to remove all defective vehicles from NCD roads.
Registration plates of all vehicles considered to be road unworthy would be stripped and the owners ordered to remove their vehicles from the roads.
“We will do it more ethically by stripping their number plates for fixing defects before returning back number plates and we will issue defect sticker notices, but if they continue to defy the law, they would be arrested, charged and prosecuted,” DCP Andrews said today.
Mr Andrews said coordinated foot patrols would be enforced around the precincts of major shopping centres, market places and all other public venues targeting illegal street sales, drugs and alcohol abuse, harassment and all forms of offences.
He said the Constabulary will support the National Capital District Commission in the enforcement of municipal laws against the betel nut trade, littering and illegal street markets within the city limit. People who want to buy and chew betel nut can go to 4 Mile, Bautama and Baruni outside of the city boundaries.
“I believe the NCDC’s city clean-up program will also run concurrently with our security operations,” Mr Andrews said.
He said the Constabulary’s Community Relations Directorate would also be actively involved in awareness programs in a bid to encourage the people to embrace the spirit of the up-coming games.
The Police Chief urged residents of Port Moresby to assist the NCD Commission, the Police and other relevant law enforcement agencies to keep the city clean and safe for all residents, visitors, officials and the participating athletes.
He said the Constabulary will also be using the various media outlets to advice the public about important safety issues as part of its community obligations.
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