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Prime Minister Peter O'Neill Reassures Stakeholders that PMIZ Project Will Proceed

The Prime Minister, Hon. Peter O'Neill CMG MP, has assured the people of Papua New Guinea that the Government is fully committed to develop the Pacific Marine Industrial Zone (PMIZ) project in Madang Province.

PM O'Neill made the commitment following ongoing public debate that has also involved a range of claims, several of which cannot be substantiated.

"I have followed the public discussion surrounding this project and taken on board the full range of views and I can confirm that the Government is fully supportive of the PMIZ project continuing.

"There has been some misinformation, particularly in relation to land ownership, and this is unfortunate.

"The land where the PMIZ project is located was bought from RD Tuna Cannery for four million Kina and is State land, not customary land as some have claimed."

The Prime Minister said environmental considerations have been properly assessed.

"Based on the information the Government has received, we are satisfied that the project will not cause pollution to the environment, especially the pristine water ways and islands of Madang.

"Our Government would only allow the project to go ahead and operate when it is satisfied that the design used for the disposal of waste from the canneries is of world standard and safe to the environment.

"The designs to be used are drawn from those used in similar parks globally."

PM O'Neill said the project will provide a significant economic boost for Madang by providing a large number of jobs and opportunities for small businesses in the area.

"In total the project will generate K2 billion every year in economic activity to our nation with most of this being around Madang Province.

"Through this project, the processing of tuna will be done in Papua New Guinea instead of being sent overseas.

"The PMIZ will generate more than 20,000 jobs for local communities through direct employment and the generation of small business."

"The communities of Kananam, Rampi, Baiteta, Riwo and Malmal will be amongst those that will received direct benefits from the project, particularly during the construction phase."

The Prime Minister said the PMIZ is set to be a very valuable project for Madang and the nation, and he commended officials and private sector stakeholders involved in developing the project.

"This is landmark proposal which is currently before the NEC for consideration," PM O'Neill said.

"This is a model industrial zone project on a state land being facilitated by the Department of Trade, Commerce and Industry (DCTI) working with private sector partners.

"Very importantly, the Port township will be jointly owned by the local communities, the Madang Provincial Government and the National Government.

"This will be established through a process that will ensure transparency with expenditure and contractual arrangements to be fully assed by relevant agencies."

Source: Government Media Unit

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