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Cricket PNG officially launches new cricket pitch for Vabukori Village

The Cricket Pitch at Vabukori Village was officially launched on Friday by Cricket PNG and Vabukori Village with special guest Alyssa Healy, current Australian women’s cricketer.
Also present at the launch were Cricket PNG Development Manager Gayan Loku, International Cricket Council East Asia-Pacific Regional Development Officer Jane Livesey, Vabukori Village Elders, Sevese Morea Primary School Students and respective media personnel.
The Cricket Pitch at Vabukori is the first one in PNG that has been funded through the East Asia-Pacific Community Facilities Fund.
The fund was set up by Cricket Australia, New Zealand Cricket and the ICC as a legacy initiative following the 2015 ICC Cricket World Cup and aims to increase the number of community cricket facilities across the East Asia-Pacific region.
All pitches funded through the community facilities fund require a co-contribution of half the pitch costs from local sponsors, government or the community.
ICC EAP Regional Officer Jane Livesey said “The East Asia-Pacific Community Facilities Fund was intended to get pitches into communities just like the one at Vabukori. It was fantastic to see the whole community down there supporting the launch and playing on the ground, which hopefully they will continue doing for many years to come.”
Cricket PNG Game Development Manager Gayan Loku said “This is an historic occasion to launch the new cricket pitch at Vabukori Village.”
“Vabukori has had a proud history of cricket but unfortunately due to many factors the game died down over the past couple of years. We hope that this new pitch will rejuvenate the interest in the village and have more boys, girls, men and women take up the game. Eventually we are hoping that more national cricketers come through the village and eventually play for the Barramundis and Lewas.” Loku concluded.
Vabukori currently has a senior men’s competition with 6 teams and is hoping that the new pitch will allow them to expand their competitions to juniors and women’s teams, as well as the local school.
Villages and communities across PNG that are interested in the acquiring a Cricket Pitch through the East Asia-Pacific Community Facilities Fund can contact the Cricket PNG Office on 7105 4444 or email: cricketpng@gmail.com
1. Visiting Australian Cricket Women’s Cricket Star Alyssa Healy testing the turf during a friendly cricket match
2. Vabukori Village Elder Herosi Tai accepting Cricket Equipment from Australia Women’s Cricket Player Alyssa Healy donated by Cricket PNG
3. Visiting Australian Cricket Women’s Cricket Star Alyssa Healy in action during the friendly match today.

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