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Oil Search Pacific Games Relay in Gulf Province

The Oil Search Pacific Games Relay was stopped by rain again today. This time a torrential downpour up at Kopi that grounded the team for the morning.

The day was supported by Interoil and they had provided two helicopters to fly the team around Baimuru, Kapuna, Wabo and Ihu but with the late take-off the team were only able to reach the first few sites.

The Relay landed at Kupana Nursing College, after a flight over the winding rivers and crocodiles lazing on the mud banks, to a large crowd gathered to celebrate the Relay with sing sing groups, school kids, the trainee nurses and the local villagers.

Next was a dramatic trip up the Wama River alongside a traditional long canoe where the dancers all stood, to the village of Aveva for the national anthem by their primary school before heading out on a 30 minute Relay along the track back to Kupuna.

At the nursing college the crowds had gathered for speeches and a rousing rendition of the song, Our Country.

Next stop was Wabo, on the mighty Purari River. 

The Relay was met by the Wabo Primary School all decked out in new colourful uniform t-shirts and the students carried the Baton down to the river’s edge where it was taken on a short tour of the fast moving river and the beautiful villages on the river banks.

Villagers waved to the team and Baton from the shore as the team passed by.

An unexpected re-fuelling stop at the Interoil Herd base allowed the Interoil workers an opportunity for photos with the Baton before it headed back to Kerema.

The Relay was too late to make it to Ihu village but plans are being put in place for a stopover tomorrow.

Due to the start of the wet season and bad weather the planned visits to Kaintiba and Kotidanga will not be able to go ahead.

The Oil Search Pacific Games Relay will visit Ihu and Miaru village tomorrow.

Photo credit: madNess Photography

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