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New Zealand Minister visits PNG - Kiwi firm asks for help

A Kiwi firm owed money by the Papua New Guinea government is hoping a visit by New Zealand’s Minister for Foreign Affairs may help resolve the debt.

Minister Murray McCully is visiting Port Moresby on Tuesday to speak to the Chamber of Commerce on the potential for partnering with PNG ahead of the APEC 2018 forum.

Evaluation Consult (NZ) Ltd Director Kate Averill said her firm carried out an important strategic project for the Department of National Planning and Monitoring last year for which it is owed over Kina $1million. The company won a court case to recover the debt but seven months after the judgement, the amount is still outstanding.

Evaluation Consult has been working with Mr McCully, New Zealand’s Treasury, the High Commission and others in its efforts to be paid.

Ms Averill said the situation was very damaging to the Papua New Guinea government’s reputation and Mr McCully has agreed. He recently wrote to the company saying he was concerned by the situation which he said "clouds the picture of PNG as a desirable place to do business for New Zealanders.”

Ms Averill said carrying the outstanding debt had had a significant impact on Evaluation Consult and she appreciated the support shown by New Zealand’s officials in trying to find redress. Ms Averill added “We supported the PNG government development project and need to be paid for the work we have done. We would like to see support given to the PNG government when contracting the supply of goods and services from local and overseas providers.”

If the company does not receive payment very shortly, it will consider other options available to it, she said.

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