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Who will sponsor the Vote of No Confidence?

Commentary by Gary Juffa

The vote of no confidence is a current topic of discussion from urban buai stalls to rural vegetable markets, in households, in the ghettoes, at corporate meetings, churches and just about everywhere by almost everyone in all sectors of economic status.
Views range from demanding outright change to allowing status quo. Many are also apathetic.
The grim reality is that VONC are only successful when there is a sponsor willing to make it happen. Yes, you can protest and claim otherwise but unless you sponsor an effort can you determine the outcome. And the sponsership must be deliberate and substantial enough otherwise even that is doomed to failure.
It has been often the case that the proposed purpose of a VONC is to save the people. But the people have never been the sponsors.
You the people, ask yourself, are you sponsoring this effort in someway? Exactly. The only time the people can influence a political outcome is every 5 years. Sadly we are confronted by this situation constantly and continously: people wanting change...but not wanting to change.
Real sponsors if any are very much in hiding. They are powerful and they have resources. They have manipulated the political landscape ever since independence. And they get what they want. Puppet MPs are a dime a dozen.
I am convinced that a successful VONC can only occur when there is a real sponsor who has a genuine need and stands to gain from such an effort. Thats what sways MPs. Either the reality of some benefit or the successful creation of the perception of some benefit.
The current government is under no real threat. The possible sponsors are very much satisfied. And the Government has successfully prepared MPs through the District Development Authorities for the 2017 elections. They have a guaranteed K30m to campaign for their re election. Why would they risk that?
Despite the remote possibility of a successful VONC I would vote for it as a sign and an indication of my disgust and demonstration of my peoples dissatisfaction at how this Government has denied my people almost K80m due to them and the lack of consideration it has shown in protecting and promoting PNG interests. In fact it has deliberately ignored its mandate to secure ownership of our economy and thus our future. Many examples abound from Djoko Tjandra to the PMIZ to Seabed Mining to the UBS loan to the continued apathy towards colonial laws that marginalize resource owners.
Yet again, when a Government has exceptional power to seize ownership of our economy and our future...it has balked.. instead our economy is owned by a variety of foreign interests...therefore they determine our future...only when we own our economy can we determine our future.
And that is my opinion. It may not be 100% accurate but I am certain its quite close to the truth. Take it or leave it.

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