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Police Chief warns Opposition MPs

Papua New Guinea Police Commissioner Gari Baki  has warned  Members of the PNG Opposition from gathering people in public forum in Port Moresby. Mr. Baki says there will be no public forum Monday  in Port Moresby.

 Commissioner Baki called on leaders of the Opposition to have their meeting in a confined area, like the UPNG Forum Hall, or Sir John Guise Indoor Stadium, where police would be able to provide crowd control.
He said police will be in full force tomorrow, to disperse any unruly groups of people.
Commissioner Baki said this is a matter of governance, and it should be practiced on the floor of Parliament, and not outdoors in the public domain.

Meanwhile the planned peaceful march organized by civil societies to be staged on Monday 2nd November has been deferred to a later date.
This was announced  by politician and anti-corruption activist Noel Anjo who said  they will not have a peaceful march on Monday because they will be sorting out documents to lodge the contempt charges against the Police for disrupting their peaceful march last week.

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