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Prime Minister O'Neill blasts Sir Mekere for playing politics,Calls on him to Show Respect

The Prime Minister,  Peter O’Neill  has blasted, Sir Mekere Morauta, for an ongoing stream of hate and malice that is all about the former Prime Minister trying to undermine the Government to keep control of the Sustainable Development Program (SDP) money.
PM O’Neill said it is sad to see a former Prime Minister stooping to such lows, and he would be better to remember the three years of national disintegration he delivered when in office.
“Mekere Morauta is a failed Prime Minister who initiated Papua New Guinea’s lost decade, oversaw a massive fall in investment and had a fire-sale of government assets in questionable deals to certain individuals,” Prime Minister O’Neill said.
“The three years of the Morauta Government decimated the public services by sacking so many people that the Government became barely unable to function.
“Mekere Morauta almost destroyed our proud Defence and Police Force and left them as hollow shells with few personnel and almost no resources.
“The Morauta Government spent ridiculous amounts of money in order to try and buy the 2002 election leaving a budget deficit of 800 million Kina (2002 value).”
Prime Minister O’Neill said the disgrace of the Morauta years is a stark contrast to the success and achievement of the past three years of Government.
“Since we were elected in 2012 our Government has delivered more services and infrastructure than at any other time in our nation’s history.
“Our Government has placed more than 2 million children into our schools, and we are delivering free universal healthcare to our people.
“We are restoring our disciplined services and building the capacity of the Defence Force, Police and CIS.
“We are delivering critical infrastructure in our country that is creating jobs, stimulating business and giving people better lives.”
PM O’Neill said the real reason for Mekere’s desire to try and undermine the Government appears to be all about him keeping control of SDP.
“He thinks that if there is a change of Government he might get to stay on and keep spending of money belonging to SDP.
“SDP is not Mekere Morauta’s retirement fund, it belongs to the people of Western province.
“Every day we hear of this money being wasted on foreign consultants and other expenses.
“This week we see Sir Mekere spending thousands of Kina on newspaper advertisements. Was this advertising money paid out of funds belonging to the people of Western Province?”
PM O’Neill said it is time the former Prime Minister came to terms with the fact that the Government will remain in place, so he should stop trying to meddle in politics from the outside.
“The Parliament has spoken and have overwhelmingly supported our Government running full-term. If former Prime Minister’s want to be involved in politics they should have respect for the National Parliament and run for election themselves.”

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