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Church Elders join fight against Gender based Violence in PNG

Pastors and Church Leaders of the Good Shepard Lutheran Church of Enga have joined the fight against Gender Based Violence.

The Pastors and Church Leaders attended a One week workshop of Gender Based Violence Male Advocacy that was run by the Consultative, Implementation and Monitoring Council’s Family and Sexual Violence Action Committee in Mt Hagen.
General Secretary of the Good Shepherds Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea Ezekiel Peter thanked the Consultative, Implementation and Monitoring Council’s Family and Sexual Violence Action Committee for providing the course to the Pastors and Church leaders.
“Many of our women are sexually, physically and mentally abused, they are seen as inferior and treated as such, many of our women are tortured and burnt under false accusations of practicing sorcery,” he said.

Peter said that it was time churches too joined the fight against Gender Based Violence.
“With what we have learnt this week, we hope that we can lead by example and also advocate to the people around us and in our congregation that Gender Based Violence is wrong.”
“God gave Eve to Adam to become his partner and companion, Let us work together to end Violence against our women,” he said.
Consultative, Implementation and Monitoring Council’s Family and Sexual Violence Action Committee Course Facilitator, Gertrude Wap said that the one week workshop held to educate and advocate on Gender Based Violence.
“Gender Based Violence is an epidemic that is affecting women across our country and even across the world. “
“It is an issue that we all must join hands and stand together to fight against,” Wap said.

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