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More than 190 students from four primary schools, surrounding the LNG Plant just outside Port
Moresby, had the opportunity to experience firsthand how the LNG Plant operates.
The four primary schools include Lealea, Boera, Papa, and Porebada. ExxonMobil PNG Limited
(EMPNG), operator of the PNG LNG Project, organised four separate excursions for the schools
following recent training conducted for the schools’ Board of Management (BOM).
The grade eight students were given a tour of the LNG Plant as a result of a recommendation
from the BOM training that this would inspire and motivate the students to study hard in school.
LNG Plant Manager Murray Bell said creating sustainable benefits in education is a key focus in
EMPNG’s community investments.
“These excursions will improve students’ understanding of science, technology, engineering, and
math which are also promoted through our Science Ambassadors program. Through ExxonMobil
PNG’s Science Ambassadors program staff go out to schools to talk on various scientific topics
to motivate students. This year a total of 17 schools around the LNG Plant Site, Hides and Port
Moresby participated in the program, and a total of 69 Science Ambassadors working for
ExxonMobil PNG went out and ran these sessions.
“EMPNG is committed to supporting education efforts in Papua New Guinea,” concluded Mr Bell.
Boera Primary School head teacher John Wasigui said such excursions help inspire the children
to realise their education potential and as a result, study hard in school.
“We are thankful to EMPNG and the LNG Plant site team for allowing us to participate in these
educational excursions and for helping us educate these young minds.
“We hope the students will go home with the motivation to learn,” said Mr Wasigui.
EMPNG has been providing support to schools in the Project areas since 2010. This includes
providing schools with desks, learning and teaching materials.

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