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9 mission Bougainvillians recovered

Nine Bougainvilleans who went missing at sea on the 31st of December last year were recovered on the 21st of this month between the waters of Vanuatu and Solomon Islands by a Japanese Fishing Vessel and brought back to Bougainville.
Disaster Coordinator Franklyn Lacey said they were all well because they managed to cook food which they brought along with them on the 29 footer dinghy and fed themselves during the days they were out at sea.
He said they were all being treated at the Arawa Hospital and later reunited with their families.
Meanwhile drinking alcohol and traveling the seas have been the major cause of all the mishaps at sea not only in Bougainville but in other parts of the country as well.
Disaster Coordinator Franklyn Lacey said Bougainvilleans have always been so reluctant to the laws governing sea travel as to not be intoxicated while travelling and boat owners will be prosecuted.
He said the Disaster office will review its Laws and policies and once in place, they will effectively impose them on boat owners and travellers who would not be following them.
Furthermore Mr Lacey said after the dry spell, the Autonomous Region of Bougainville is experiencing very heavy downpour which turned out to be really destroying food gardens in the region.
He said reports have revealed that rains have eroded food gardens and also cause decays in crops that survived the dry season.
The Disaster Coordinator is calling on people to make proper drainage system in their gardens to prevent erosion of food staffs during heavy downpours.

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