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PNG National Commission for UNESCO to support Tonda as a World Heritage Site

The Executive Director of PNG National Commission of UNESCO, Mr Andrew Angobeis supportive ofMinister for Tourism and Sports – Hon. Justin Tkatchenko’s idea of recommending Tonda Wildlife Management Area in the Western Province for World Heritage Listing.
MrAngobe alluded to the Mr Tkatchenkoand also Prime Minister - Peter O’Neill’s recent assertion that Tonda be proposed as an internationally recognised, conserved and protected area.
The World Heritage Committee (WHC), founded by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is the mandated authority that approves such sites to be listed on the World Heritage Listing.
Mr. Angobe stressed that through a mutual working relationship with GoPNG, stakeholders, NGOs and international agencies, the process of listing Tonda as a World Heritage (WH) site can become a success.
The wetlands of Tonda is a Wildlife management Area that covers 590,000ha and is home to one of the richest and liveliest ecosystems on earth containing more than half of PNG’s bird population.
The bird population in particular is a valuable feature essential to meeting the World Heritage nomination criteria but the whole process requires time, effort and resources from interested individuals and organisations.
The National Commission Office has already addressed the concern with the National Heritage Secretariat of the Conservation Environment Protection Authority (CEPA) and with the interest expressed at the political levelrecommending Tonda to be listed on WH listing the commission is confident that the process will come to fruition.
Mr. Angobe further highlighted that our country has significant sites that deserve recognition internationally including Tonda however, the Kuk Early Agricultural World Heritage in the Western Highlands Province has been the only one inscribed so far.
He said that through networking and partnership with relevant stakeholders, more sites can be listed on the World Heritage Listing.
This is an opportunity to promote PNG’s rich natural and cultural diversity globally which also has a huge potential to boost the tourism industry.
The UNESCO National Commission Office within the Education Department is not only responsible in promoting and facilitating education programs but also the Culture & Heritage, Science & technology, and Communication & Information programs that have the potential in contributing towards PNG’s sustainable socio-economic development

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