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PNG Trade, Commerce and Industry threatens legal actions against Ramu Nickel Mine

PNG Minister Trade, Commerce and Industry Ministry has threatened to take legal action against Ramu Nickel Mine, if it doesn't meet the repatriation cost of the body of one its workers, who died during duties in Madang.

Richard Maru is demanding the mine to meet the costs of repatriation of the late Kennet Karis to Yangoru, in East Sepik.

Late Karis was murdered whilst working in a pit in the mine.
Mr Maru is questioning the safety and operating standards of the mine, as there is no proper lighting, fencing and security to secure and demarcate the mine operations in pits from public access.
He says he will be calling for full scale investigation into the operations of the mine to ascertain whether the mine is operating within world standards,
And whether the Mining Inspector has been diligent in enforcing compliance with safety standard at that mine.

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