Leader of Opposition, Sam BASIL in a statement in reply to the Police Ministers warning on prying, has welcome back the Police Minister, Robert Atiyafa and that it was good the Minister was taking an interest in issues faced with the Police Dept. Mr Basil also reminded the vital role of Opposition, which is to KEEP GOVERNMENT INLCUDING THE POLICE MINISTER, accountable to the people of PNG. He added that the Police Minister and the PM has to remain answerable to our people at all times. He reiterated that a good Opposition spotlights serious issues in police delivery services. Basil says he will praise the Prime Minister if he makes himself accountable to the courts and added that he will support the Minister if he allows police to open investigations into PNG leaders and gives the PM an opportunity in court to clear himself of all serious allegations. “ The Government and Police have refused to make those authorizing payments to Paul Paraka in receiving these payments accountable, the Government has never acted upon a commission of inquiry report completed in 2010,” he added.
Mr Basil has congratulated the police men and women and judges and lawyers who remain independent of political pressures to avoid accountability of Paraka Lawyers and politicians and senior public servants for possibly illegal payments of K30M.
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