Government will Continue to Support the Work of Churches
The Prime Minister made the comments when he joined more than a thousand people on the steps of Parliament House to commemorate the National Prayer Day on Friday.
“For the last 5 years we have been supporting and looking after the churches and strengthening the Government Church partnership,” PM O’Neill said.
“But for most of the past forty years, government services had been missing and it was the churches that took care of those of us in the villages.
“When we came to Government, the first thing we did was to extend support to the churches and to those who involved in God’s work, and that is now key Government priority.
“It’s not by mistake that the Government is paying the church health workers, and funding church run health and education services.
“Some people and critics come up with all sorts of ideas and sweet talk but they do not take action or walk the Talk."
PM O’Neill said churches play an important role in the country, particularly when there is change taking place.
“There are many changes happening in our country and it’s good to see there are children amongst us today. It is their future that will see changes and they will benefit from what the Government is doing is for them.
“I am very confident that with the guidance of our creator and God, the unity of our country and the many blessings and changes we see, that we will continue to grow.
"That will happen because of the faith, the belief and the partnership the Government has with the churches that will see many results for our people to benefit."
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