PNG Air offers online check-in for passengers
“Web check-in allows passengers to go online to check in for their PNG Air flight and select the seat they want,” PNG Air’s Chief Commercial Officer Paul Abbot said.
“ For those travelling with just carry-on luggage this means no need to stand in line waiting to be checked in.”
“If travelling with checked baggage we have bag drop areas identified to help speed up that process as well. Either way, it’s a far more convenient start to your journey,” Mr Abbot added.
He said the actual process for checking in online is very simple. “Just log onto go to ‘Manage My Booking’ and follow the prompts from there.”
“With more and more travellers using the web to help make their travel choices we see this as a natural extension to the booking process and as a way of making life easier for PNG Air passengers,” Mr Abbot stressed.
Web check-in is available from 48 hours before flight departure, up to 3 hours before the departure time.
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