Cosmopolitan celebrates 3rd birthday with no plans to slow

The birthday celebrations saw a big party with lots of giveaways with free food and jello shots with those in attendance while enjoying the pampering.
When the time came to officially blow out the candles on the birthday cake by Cosmopolitan General Manger Martin Sherry, it was time to get your groove on as the champagne flowed with everyone letting loose and having a good time on the dance floor.
“We have come a long way, we have been looking at the market, changing what we are doing consistently and that is why we are packing the place out every weekend” said the General Manager Martin Sherry.
Meanwhile despite the recent handing down of the 2017 budget and the announcement by Government of a tax hike in so called sin taxes of alcohol, tobacco and gambling, Cosmopolitan like many other clubs believes that this will not affect the business operations in the coming new year.
“I don’t think it will affect our business, given the fact that the economy has been down already and we had a record month last month and we are going to break that record this month and we will go from strength to strength” said Sherry. PNGFM / PNG Today
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