Indonesia to encourage cyber security in Asia-Pacific regional preparatory meeting

Chief of Multilateral Institution of the Communication and Informatics Ministry Sri Sunardi said on Monday Indonesia wants cyber norms to be incorporated to the draft declaration which will be brought to the WTDC 2017.
“Where the issue of cyber security is concerned, Indonesia wants cyber norms to be incorporated to it,” said Sunardi, who is also a member of the Indonesian delegation to the meeting.
The Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting will be held in Bali from March 21 to 23. The meeting was preceded by the Asia Pacific Regional Development Forum (RDF) held on March 20.
Sunardi said Indonesia will strive for the inclusion of the cyber norms in the draft as the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has never touched it.
“This will be a formidable struggle Indonesia will face as ITU has so far dealt with telecommunication, infrastructure and telecommunication regulations,” he said.
Indonesia will encourage the RPM to consider the cyber norms in response to negative contents.
In addition, Indonesia will also propose the increased participation of developing countries in ITU programs, he said.
The RPM is designed to harmonize the interests of ITU member states and the outcome of the RPM will be brought to the WDTC for inclusion in declaration. Source: Antara News Agency
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