PNG Elections: Three dead in Kimbe in election violence

Provincial Police Commander Jim Namora said the fighting erupted between supporters of the Talasea MP Francis Marus and those supporting another candidate John Pakua.
He said the fighting took place at Section 21 where the three killed.
NBC's Dorcas Tindri told the Wokabaut show tonight that police were busy attending to a mass breakout at the Lakiemata jail when the violence flared.
"It actually stemmed from candidates supporters provoking each other when they took their candidates in to nominate," Tindri said.
"They had a little bit of standoff from yesterday at the Kimbe main market which was resolved this morning by leaders of both sides."
"Some supporters of John Pakua were not present at the mediation and without knowing the problen was akready solved, they provoked supporters of Mr Marus which led to another fight at the Kimbe main market."
"Since John Pakua's supporters were stationed at his residence at Section 21, the fight eacalated there," Tindri reported.
The situation remains very tense tonight with all town residents locked indoors in fear of a retaliation while police are closely monitoring.
NBC News - Dorcas Tindri
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