PNG Prime Mininster Peter O'Neill's arrest warrant active after court ruling

Chief Magistrate Nerrie Eliakim issued the arrest warrant but its execution was delayed due to various court battles surrounding it.
Judge Collin Makail dismissed Baki's application today.
As Maivo Lafanama reported, the judge dismissed the application on two main issues.
Criminal process isn’t administrative or civil in nature and cannot be reviewed and the application is an abuse of criminal process.
Among other reasons given, the judge ruled, two sets of laws cannot be created for leaders and the ordinary citizens.
The criminal process that has started must end.
The Judge further ruled, it doesn't matter if the prime minister is involved or any other citizens, the process must be allowed to complete without any interference.
The police commissioner, supported by the prime minister wanted to set aside the arrest warrant and have an independent team review and assess allegations against Mr O'Neill.
They sought clearance from the Supreme Court which allowed the matter to be heard, which is now dismissed.
Police Commissioner Gari Baki claimed no information was laid and it was wrong for an arrest warrant to be issued without this.
NBC News- Maivo Lafanama
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