PM O’Neill Congratulates People for Responsible Celebrations

the country who are enjoying end of the year festivities in the right frame of mind and
respecting other people, particularly in the responsible consumption of alcohol.
The Prime Minister has further called on members of the public to step in and prevent
their friends and relatives if they attempt to drink alcohol and drive.
“The Christmas to New Year break is a time to relax, and it is a time for celebration,
but this must be in moderation,” PM O’Neill said after spending Christmas Day with
friends and family in Port Moresby.
“We have a lot to celebrate in Papua New Guinea, as our country develops and
standards of living continue to improve. “In communities around the country we can enjoy good times with family and friends, and above all let’s make sure we do this responsibly.
“If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation and never drink and drive.
“If a friend or anyone in your family attempts to drink and drive, you have a
responsibility to stop them and take their keys.
“Too many deaths occur when drunkards get behind the wheel, and we all must work
together to stop people from drinking and driving.
“Police are out in full force around the country and roadside checks are being
undertaken to detect any driver who has been drinking."
The Prime Minister said while there are isolated reports of irresponsible behavior, no
major incidents have been reported around the country and he hopes this continues.
“In countries around the world Governments work to prevent violence at Christmas,
like we have seen on beaches and at house parties in Sydney and Melbourne in
recent days.
“It is not an easy task, particularly for police, but community leaders and members of
the public must work together.
“I thank leaders around Papua New Guinea who have been working with
communities, particularly our youths, to help them enjoy the holidays in a sensible
"Christmas should never be an excuse for inappropriate behaviour.
“In places where there is an alcohol ban in place, this will be strictly enforced.
“There will also be zero tolerance for drugs. If any person is found with illegal drugs,
they will be charged and face the full force of the law, and most likely spend the rest
of their holidays in jail.”
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