Bougainville's Self determination should not be questioned : Miriori

Former Secretary to the Bougainville Revolutionary Army Martin Miriori made this statement in rebuttal of an article in the Post Courier questioning Bougainville’s secessionist ambitions.
The article outlined Bougainville’s integral part in PNG’s independence and appealed to the people to avoid defragmenting the country.
Mr Miriori said that Bougainville has had a long history in its struggle for self determination after it was annexed by the German Empire more than a hundred years ago from the British in 1899.
He says that geographically and historically Bougainville has always differed from the rest of PNG and it has always detested the forced embedment with PNG.
He stressed that Bougainville has adequate natural resources to cater for a viable economy for an independent nation.
Miriori says Bougainville will continue to be an unwilling partner within the Independent State of Papua New Guinea.
He adds that it is time PNG let Bougainvilleans decide for themselves their ultimate political destiny. New Dawn FM/ PNG Today
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