Body of unaccounted passenger on Air Niugini Aircraft found by US divers

It is with deep sadness I confirm that the body of a male passenger was discovered by US divers today as they conducted a further search of P2-PXE and the surrounding area in the Chuuk Lagoon.
This is the unaccounted passenger from the aircraft. Our outreach team is in touch with the man’s family and we are making arrangements to repatriate his body.
The circumstances surrounding this accident are now a matter for relevant authorities as they begin their task of investigating the events that led to the incident and the actions which followed. We are committing all required resources to ascertain the factors that led to this accident.
We express our deepest sympathy to his family. We are and will continue to provide support to his family in this time of loss.
Tahawar Durrani
Chief Executive Officer
Air Niugini Limited
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