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Commentary by David Lepi

There has been so much talk amongst ourselves on PNG hosting APEC 2018. We all had differing views on both the capability of us hosting the international event and the likely outcome.

It is always good to have differing views because in a democracy like our it help shapes public opinion and strikes the balance.

After a tumultuous 2 days PNG is at the threshold of a new beginning. If I were the PM giving a speech I would commend Bryan Kramer and his Facebook warriors for seemingly putting our people socio-economic challenges right at their heart like no other time before.

APEC 2018 has now opened new dimensions and frontiers in better assisting the sick, the inaccessible and improving the socio-economic indicators. On the margins of the APEC Leaders Summit our country has signed several key agreements with various APEC economies.

Notably in the areas of technical assistance, infrastructure development and capacity enhancement. This include the field of science and technology, research and development, agriculture, health, education, communication and information, transport, SME and life skill.

These bi lateral agreements are set to catapult our development agenda 3 to 4 times more than we would have achieved without APEC 2018.

Time for talking and half measure is over. Now judge the results.

Critics were quick to tie their justification around our sick and the dying to make a solemn case sounding so genuine. Our sick and the needy need special care and the government like the successive governments gave that special care.

The leper, the sick, the dying and the blind were here before the whitemen came and are still here. Before independence they were here and are still here. They will be still be here after we all are gone because we live in a mortal world and that's what God intended. From the budget allocations they continued to receive their share over the years including this year's.

APEC 2018 came on our agenda since 2013 and was funded from its budget and of course with assistance from China, Australia, NZ and friends in the region. The socio-economic indicators didn't collapse all over sudden just because we hosted APEC.

Furthermore, there is more positive outcome in the APEC 2018 Leaders Summit. Free trade or trade liberalism as opposed to protectionism, Good strong and accountable leadership, information sharing and security and many good things are coming up.

APEC 2018 brings more to than what we thought.

A publication will be made for all the milestone and key achievements signed under bi-lateral arrangements economy by economy.

No government would have created this kind of stimulus to propel profound and sustainable growth. This goes well in line with the recent MTDP 3 launching and all these strands of opportunities will now be dovetailed to the Alotau Accord 2 and the V2050 and its cascading strategic focus.

Together we have made it.
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