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Manning is new PNG acting Police Commissioner

Acting Deputy Police Commissioner Operations, David Manning is now the new Acting Police Commissioner.

Police Minister Bryan Kramer announced this at the Police Headquarters in Port Moresby this afternoon.

Mr. Manning will now replace Francis Tokura who has been acting in that position for over two months.

Mr. Kramer also said that Mr. Tokura will now return to his substantive position as Chief of Police in Bougainville.

Mr. Manning said that he welcomes the appointment and looks forward to the challenges ahead in the force.

NCD/Central Commander Donald Yamasombi has now been appointed as Acting Deputy Police Commissioner Operations, to replace Mr. Manning.

Acting Police Commissioner, Francis Tokura, cried foul after receiving information from Police Minister Bryan Kramer for him to step down.

Tokura told reporters today, Minister Kramer informed him of the National Executive Council decision via Whatsapp message last night.

Mr. Tokura described minister Kramer's action as highly questionable and suspicious.

He said Mr. Kramer is not respecting the Constitutional office he is occupying as Acting.

"The reason for my removal was because I declined to carry out certain instructions that he has given me.

"I have reminded him that the Office of the Police Commissioner is a Constitutional Office, and whoever occupies that position is a constitutional office holder and he is not to be directed by any minister," Tokura said.

However, Bryan Kramer in another press conference this afternoon told reporters that, the decision was taken after much consideration.

''Firstly regarding issues on command and control, administrative structural issues, currently facing PNG Constabulary throughout the country.

"Secondly, is on the Bougainville Referendum which is three months away," Kramer outlined.

"I also took into considerations concerns raised by members of Parliament from Bougainville, and a submission was made to NEC, and after considering the argument, the NEC made the decision.

"I am only the minister and its a collective decision lat yesterday evening," Kramer said.

Regarding the process in which the information was relayed, Bryan Kramer said the decision was reached late yesterday, hence he was only informing him of the NEC decision whilst still in the meeting.

Mr. Tokura was a concern as the NEC decision was not delivered to him professionally. He said minister Kramer texted him via Whatsapp last night.

Meanwhile, the application process for the appointment of permanent Police Commissioner and the two deputies are currently being screened and vetted by the Department of Personnel Management or DPM.

NBC News/ PNG Today

Next :

PNG Police Minister Kramer calls on acting Police Commissioner Francis Tokura to step down

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