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PNG Prime Minister Marape wants to reopen the country

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape announces that his government would like to restore PNG back to normalcy at the earliest amidst the presence of Covid 19 for the rest of this year and beyond.

“ I am getting our Health experts to finalize protocols for living with corona in our schools, our workplace, our churches and community. I want the specific protocols be tailored to ensure that the SOE period be used to acclimatize our people to live with C19 protocols beyond June 2 when SOE expires” PM Marape says.

Marape appeals for peace and calm as we support each other through this tough time. In the meantime Government will partner our two supper funds to ensure those who are laid off work has financial assistance flowing for some time.

National Government will also partner city /urban authorities, starting with NCDC to identify unemployed families in Port Moresby who need food for us to supply food early next.

“ We ask those who are not employed and have no food to go to a church nearest you, give your families name or address and working with NCDC who will tidy the list by family/household and we will supply food rations. But this will not be free food, those who need food will be asked to contribute few hours of free labour to clean your part of city. PM Marape says.

For those engaged in MSME and businesses, Government is injecting funds into our Commercial banks for partnerships for low cost borrowing. BSP bank ( 5% for 15 years), Kina and NDB banks ( 4% for 20 years ) and all Bank’s deferral of existing loan’s repayments are some interventions we doing in the local economy space.

Prime Minister Marape also says that in the course of the SOE period, those who find life hard in Port Moresby or other parts of the country and want to go to their home of origin will be repatriated.

“Let us all remain optimism that we will rise as a Nation above this crisis. This will not be the last pandemic, let’s adjust to live with it.” Prime Minister Marape says.

Next :

International Flights to resume with limited Operations

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