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Port Moresby Burns Peak Settlement Youths Hand Over illegal Items to Police

 FIFTY three rounds of ammunition, 8 home made firearms, one spear, several marijuana plants, 20 homebrew cylinders and 4 containers were handed over to the police at the Burns Peak settlement in Hohola, Port Moresby.

Burns Peak Youths will illegal items  : Photo Police Media

The youths in the settlement handed over the equipment and firearms after saying "enough is enough" and that today was the day they as a group said to "stop" all illegal activities.

Philip Paul one of the leaders said, "we sat as a team and decided we needed to change and now we have done this we are ready to move on to something better for our lives and our families lives".

 Community leader Peter Six told the settlers at Burns Peak to continue to work with Police in ensuring the safety of the community and to change the attitude of people who have always labelled Burns Peak settlement as a "Cowboy Settlement"

 Met Supt Perou N'Dranou said that he was thankful for the initiative of the community and that he would look into assisting the community with their request to have an audience with NCDC and a community post for the youths to look into taking care of the community.

Police Media/PNG Today

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