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PNG University of Goroka plans to Establish Agriculture University in East Sepik

The University of Goroka has plans to upgrade its newly established Maprik campus in East Sepik, to an Agriculture University in the country.

The Department of Higher Education Research Science and Technology (DHERST) recently approved and gave a 'service contract' to the University to redevelop the former Sepik Agriculture College in Bainik, and offer its Agriculture and Rural development programs.

Chancellor Joseph Sukwianomb told NBC News, this will be in line with the National Government's plan to have the Sepik become the country's agriculture hub.

Mr. Sukwianomb said, 10 students and one lecturer in Animal Science, are already on campus for the 3-year Diploma in Agriculture program.

The Bainik campus is currently undergoing rehabilitation, and the program is being run out of the Maprik District Development Authority facilities.

NBC News / PNG Today

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