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Late Ben Micah Described as a Great Orator : Sir Julius

Papua New Guinea's New Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan says the late Ben Micah was a great man and a great orator who did a lot for New Ireland and the country in his various capacities.

He was addressing the Provincial Assembly in Kavieng today while sitting for its final Assembly before the National Elections.

Late Ben Micah 

Sir Julius said Mr Micah was a strong People’s Progress Party man and had taken over as the party leader from Sir Julius.

He said Mr. Micah was Chairman of the Constitutional Law Reform Commission in 1996 when Sir Julius was Prime Minister, adding because of him the country has Provincial Governments today.

Sir Julius also revealed that he worked closely with Mr. Micah so that they could change the governance system of Papua New Guinea so that the Prime Minister could be elected by the people emulating countries like the Republic of Singapore.

He said Mr. Micah was a vocal student advocate when he was a student leader at the University of Technology, standing up for the rights of the voiceless.

Mr. Micah was also the Chief of staff during Prime Minister Peter O’Neill’s time.

Sir Julius passed his condolence along with all fellow New Irelander's to Mr. Micah’s family and the people of Murat.

The Assembly stood in silence for one minute in honor of late Ben Micah.

NBC / PNG Today

Next : Former PNG Parliamentarian Ben Micah dies

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