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Thank you Papua New Guinea : David Mead

The retiring Papua New Guinea Kumuls Captain, David Mead has thanked Papua New Guinea for making his dreams come through. He released the following statement via social media. 


What a journey it has been.

Now that I have had time to let all the emotions settle from the weekend, I want to say a big thank you.

First of all thank you to PNG Kumuls and PNG RFL for giving me the opportunity to represent my country since 2008. It has been a great learning experience and one I will never forget.

To all the sponsors who helped the kumuls over the years. Your help has given many young men the opportunity to follow their dreams, including mine. Your contribution continues to make a difference in the community.

To my family and friends for all your support since 2008 when I first wore the kumuls jersey. There have been so many ups and downs. We shared those moments together and you helped me, especially when I was down.

To my beautiful wife. You have always been the rock of this family. I would not have been able to play my final game on the weekend without your love, support and belief. I cannot thank you enough.

To the coaches and management from 2008 to current. You have all played a big part in my development as a rugby league player. Also a special mention to the staff members who organised for my son and wife to present me with my last kumuls jersey. You made that moment very special. It showed me that being a kumul is about family.

To all my teammates who I played with from 2008 until the weekend. I loved every moment we shared on and off the field. Plenty of great memories and I can’t wait to catch up with you all over the next few years to reminisce.

To all the PNG Kumuls fans and the people of Papua New Guinea. I get goosebumps every time I hear you roar in the crowd in the moments after our national anthem. When I hear the stories of passion, pride, and seeing footage of how excited you all get, I feel honoured and humbled to have been able to represent you. It inspires me. You are a big reason why I love this game. I look forward to making a trip to PNG at the end of the year.

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