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PNG PM Marape says, MSMEs not doing enough to Grow the Economy

Papua New Guinea's Micro Small to Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have not performed well to meet the Government's aim to grow the economy.

Prime Minister James Marape said this during the 4th SME Business Breakfast in Port Moresby yesterday morning.

The national government's aim is to grow the Small to Medium Enterprises sector in the country to 500,000 by 2050, but has only achieved ten percent.

Mr. Marape said established small to medium enterprises need to work together to help new and start up businesses to develop and grow.

The Prime Minister said "SME's you have a greater role in ensuring that you play a part in that economy that is growing. I just want to encourage you, keep your books tidy, work that space. Those of you already at bigger business level, find Papua New Guineans micro and small business to incubate and grow it. Allow them to grow with you because they are your basic security in the environment you live and operate in."


Next : Thank you Papua New Guinea : David Mead

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