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Marie Stopes PNG Launches New Medical Imaging and Laboratory Services

 Port Moresby: On the 29th of August 2023, Marie Stopes PNG (MSPNG) celebrated the launch of new Medical Imaging and Laboratory Services at the Port Moresby Centre (Clinic).

Invited guests, representatives from donor and partner organizations, and members of the media were present to witness MSPNG Country Director, Angelyn Famudi, and Marie Stopes International Asia Pacific Executive Officer, Merewyn Foran, cut the ribbon to officially open the new services. Speaking on behalf of MSPNG Country Director Angelyn Famudi said, “Guided by our mission, MSPNG works closely with the Government of Papua New Guinea through the National Department of Health to ensure positive approaches to modern Family Planning (FP) methods are taken with public and private health workers trained to meet the demand for services. Our Port Moresby center clinic provides services in Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) as our core services and today marks a milestone for MSPNG to officially launch the medical imaging and laboratory services as part of our service range.”

Development of MSPNG’s new service package has been possible thanks to generous support of the Australian Government through the PNGAus Partnership. “Australia is pleased to support the expansion of services available at the Port Moresby clinic, making it a one-stop shop for a range of important health issues for clients” said Anna Gilchrist, First Secretary – Health, Australian High Commission, at the launch.

Clients will now have easier access to Laboratory and Medical Imaging services, in addition to the Family Planning (FP) and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) care already available, including special services generously supported by the New Zealand Government.

Clients who need more advanced screening can now do tests and scans without external referrals, which is a testament to MSPNG’s commitment to providing quality Sexual and Reproductive Health Care. “MSPNG is excited to offer a diversified service package range owing to the growing demand for more affordable and quality laboratory and imaging services for NCD’s urban population”, said Anthony Nagul, MSPNG External Relations Director.

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