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US President Biden announces $40 Million Economic Aid Package for Pacific Islands At PIF

 The United States (US) continue to pursue all means possible to counter China's growing influence in the Pacific.

In line with that, The US President Joe Bidden announced a significant economic aid package of $40 million for Pacific islands. This announcement came during the opening of the Pacific Islands Forum held in Washington.

President Biden stated during the summit, "Like our forebears during World War II, we know that a great deal of the history of our world will be written across the Pacific over the coming years." The President's words emphasized the region's strategic importance in today's world.

The Biden administration views the Pacific region as critical to its strategic interests and has intensified its efforts in the Indo-Pacific. The aim is to reestablish U.S. influence and cooperation in the region, in direct response to the growing presence of China.

Part of the economic aid package includes the provision of secure undersea cable connectivity to Pacific island nations. Nevertheless, the funding plans require approval from Congress, where there is an ongoing standoff over spending between Republicans and Democrats.

In addition to recognizing the Cook Islands and Niue, the U.S. administration has opened new embassies in the Solomon Islands and Tonga. Furthermore, plans are underway to establish a US Aid regional mission in Fiji and a U.S. embassy in Vanuatu early next year, demonstrating a concerted effort to rectify decades of diplomatic neglect in the Pacific.

The leaders from Pacific islands are expected to advocate for increased support for addressing the climate crisis, among other issues, during their discussions. They are scheduled to meet with U.S. climate envoy John Kerry, expressing their concerns that their nations face the risk of disappearing due to rising sea levels.

In his address, President Biden acknowledged the existential threat posed by the climate emergency and assured the Pacific leaders, saying, "We hear your calls for reassurance that you never, never, never will lose your statehood or membership at the UN as a result of a climate crisis."

As geopolitical competition intensifies in the Pacific, the United States is making concerted efforts to regain influence in the region. The commitment to this strategic focus is evident, reflecting the deep moral, strategic, and historic interests that the United States holds in the Indo-Pacific.

Photo Credit: Photograph: Susan Walsh/AP

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