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Connecting Rural PNG for Effective Service Delivery: Technology Minister Sets Tone for Digital Government Workshop

Papua New Guinea Minister for Information and Communications Technology, Hon. Timothy Masiu, has set the tone for the 2023 Digital Government Workshop emphasizing on connecting rural areas for effective government service delivery.

"This is where the bulk of our people live and are currently disconnected or unconnected," Minister Masiu said during the opening of the Digital Government Delivery workshop, themed "Transformation PNG: Digital Horizons and Public Service Excellence."

The ICT Minister emphasized the importance of a "Whole of Government" approach to ensure that ICT initiatives reach rural communities and enable effective government service delivery.

"This is where you, digital transformation officers from the districts and provinces, are important to us, as we partner to make this happen. Together we will walk the last mile in serving our people," Minister Masiu said. 

The Digital Government Delivery workshop is designed to provide insights into digital government and equip government officials with the skills and knowledge to drive digital transformation in their respective agencies.

Masiu expressed his gratitude to the heads of departments, Digital Transformation Officers (DTOs), public servants, and stakeholders for attending the workshop.

"There is a need for us to improve our efforts in coordinating and working together and harnessing digital technologies to deliver smart, simple, and clear services to our people," he said.

"DICT is your mandated lead agency. Let us embrace the digital shift, effectively work towards minimizing costs, enhancing capacity, and safeguarding our systems."

DICT Secretary Mr. Steven Matainaho gave the executive overview of the PNG Digital Transformation journey and the GovStack approach to delivery a digital government for PNG. 

Over the next two days the workshop will cover a range of topics, including building blocks for digital transformation, digital identity, the eGov Portal, competency development, and monitoring and evaluation frameworks.

With the invaluable support from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), and PNG DataCo, the workshop will ensure participants are well informed of the plans to deliver a digital government through the GovStack - Government Technology Stack model. 

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