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Sacked CCDA Official Reinstated

 Mr. Alfred Rungol, the General Manager of the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) a renowned Climate Change expert in Papua New Guinea (PNG), has been reinstated after being sacked earlier this year.

Mr. Rungol told Kalang News that he has been officially reinstated to his substantive position of General Manager - MRV & National Communications at CCDA. 

Mr. Rungol says this announcement comes following a successful 15-months of redress of the unlawful termination of his employment contract by CCDA after raising issues of malpractices within the organization. 

Mr. Rungol said it has taken seven months to go through the appropriate processes and procedures through the Department of Personal Management to combat these biased and false allegations. 

The Department of Personnel Management (DPM) formally acknowledged his reinstatement through two separate official letters, dated August 28th and September 21st, 2023.

 This reinstatement has been executed in accordance with the national court decision OS 41 of 2023 and my employment contract with the Government of Papua New Guinea under Section 41 of the Public Service (Management) Act.

Mr. Rungol says his reinstatement is grounded in the initial reinstatement letter dated October 16, 2022, by the DPM and the subsequent official letter of reinstatement dated January 8, 2023, by the Prime Minister and the National Executive Council.

Unfortunately, CCDA have challenged it in court but court has ruled that CCDA's Acting Managing Director has no legal standing since his contract expired back in July 2022 thus his action to occupy the office of the CCDA's MD is illegal. 

He says the journey to his reinstatement has been characterized by resilience, as he has persevered through a challenging 15-month period following his exposure of malpractices within CCDA. 

Mr. Rungol says the professional handling of this case has culminated in the restoration of justice, ensuring that he receive all the support by all stakeholders as directed by the Department of Personnel Management, the Office of the Prime Minister, and the National Executive Council.

He adds that his stand of unwavering dedication to the values of integrity, transparency, and accountability will remain and he hopes that everyone can fight this disease of corruption within the society at all levels.

Kalang News / PNG Today

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