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PNG ICT Minister Timothy Masiu Reflects on Pivotal Year, Charts Vision for 2024

 In his New Year's address, the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Minister for Information and Communication Technology (ICT),  Timothy Masiu, offered reflections on a momentous year for Papua New Guinea's ICT sector and outlined a visionary roadmap for the upcoming year.

Minister Masiu lauded the significant milestones achieved in 2023, notably the enactment of the Digital Government Act 2022, paving the way for the creation of the Government Technology Stack. This groundbreaking initiative facilitated a remarkable 40% adoption rate of government cloud-based shared services, revolutionizing administrative processes.

Highlighting advancements in national security, Minister Masiu underscored the full operationalization of the National Cyber Security Centre and the Cyber Security Operations Centre. These entities are actively monitoring network and endpoint devices across 14 public bodies and the Government Cloud, fortifying the nation's cybersecurity infrastructure.

Moreover, the Connect PNG initiative achieved a commendable 78% penetration in network population coverage during the year. The establishment of new provincial radio stations and reinforced partnerships bolstered the mission to rejuvenate national broadcasting while ensuring sustainability.

Looking ahead to 2024, Minister Masiu outlined the commitment to regulating emerging technologies and ensuring equitable access to digital services for all citizens, emphasizing quality, affordability, and accessibility. He acknowledged the challenges posed by evolving technologies, stressing the importance of nurturing a well-informed digital society.

Expressing gratitude to Prime Minister James Marape, fellow ministers, government bodies, stakeholders, and dedicated teams at institutions like the National ICT Authority of Papua New Guinea (NICTA) and the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), Minister Masiu credited their collective support for the successes of 2023.

"The pursuit of technological advancement is a commitment to serving our people," affirmed Minister Masiu, pledging continuous enhancement of ICT to enlighten, empower, and uplift the nation.

As Papua New Guinea enters 2024, Minister Masiu called for renewed vigor and a shared dedication to shaping a future aligned with the nation's aspirations, guided by divine grace and wisdom.

Next : 

PNG Minister for Public Service Urges Government Agencies for Vigilance at 8th Dedication Service

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