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PNG Ombudsman Commission Raises Alarms Over PM Marape's New Ministry's Potential Interference with Constitutional Offices

 The Papua New Guinea Ombudsman Commission (OC) has  told Prime Minister James Marape about its worries regarding the recently formed Ministry of Key Constitutional Offices. In a letter signed by all three commissioners, the OC is questioning if the new minister might interfere with how independent constitutional offices work.

The OC is worried because constitutional offices, like the Ombudsman Commission, are meant to work independently, without any political meddling or control from ministers, as guaranteed by the Constitution.

The OC is bothered about the new ministry that's supposed to oversee Constitutional Offices. These offices are meant to be independent, according to the Constitution. The OC is concerned that the new minister might get involved in the day-to-day work of these offices, creating problems.

Last Thursday, Prime Minister Marape announced the new ministry and chose Popondetta MP Richard Masere as its minister.

The Constitutional Offices that would be under the new ministry include the offices of judges, public prosecutors, the chief magistrate, the Ombudsman Commission, the Electoral Commission, the Clerk to Parliament, the Public Service Commission, the Auditor General, and other offices declared as constitutional by laws.

The OC is seriously worried that the new minister's interference could mess up how these Constitutional offices work, causing confusion and misunderstandings that might harm the government's reputation.

Chief Ombudsman Richard Pagen, along with Ombudsmen Kevin Kepore and Joseph Molita, are saying it's urgent to deal with this issue before the new minister starts his job. They're asking the Prime Minister to step in quickly to make sure the Ombudsman Commission's independence isn't affected.

The OC finished its letter by saying, "There's a big chance the minister might interfere with the Ombudsman Commission's independence. This needs to be stopped. The OC is writing to you, the minister, to think about this issue now and fix it before the minister starts working."

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