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Port Moresby Governor Appeals for Peace Amidst City Unrest

NCD  Governor Powes Parkop has  lamented the distressing events that have marred the tranquility of the beloved city. Today, the capital of Papua New Guinea witnessed internal discord, prompting a call for peace and unity from its residents.

Acknowledging the destructive implications of assigning blame in such tumultuous times, Governor Parkop highlighted the collective loss suffered by the residents, emphasizing the erosion of the city's cherished peace and unique essence.

The unrest stemmed from the gathering of dedicated police personnel at Unagi Oval, seeking to address salary discrepancies. Governor Parkop expressed profound regret at the substantial toll of looting and destruction on businesses within the city, extending heartfelt empathy to all affected entities.

Addressing the afflicted populace, Governor Parkop empathized with their distress, recognizing the severity of the situation and the shared burden endured by the city's residents.

Appealing for the restoration of normalcy and an immediate halt to looting, Governor Parkop condemned the actions as unacceptable, unforgivable, and unjustifiable under any circumstances. Urging swift action from the city's police leadership to regain control and restore order, he emphasized the imperative of protecting the people and the state, enlisting the support of the PNGDF to ensure stability.

Governor Parkop implored citizens to cease looting and vandalism, highlighting the significant contributions of businesses through taxes toward the city's progress. Stressing the self-inflicted harm caused by these actions, he urged restraint and the cessation of further damage to businesses and government properties.

Advocating for composure and collaboration, Governor Parkop pledged close cooperation with the National Government to reinstate normalcy. Emphasizing the collective ownership of the city, he rallied residents to unite in rebuilding their communities and businesses.

In a resounding appeal, Governor Parkop called for peace, underscoring the necessity for unity and concerted efforts to restore harmony and prosperity to Port Moresby.

Next : 

Civil Unrest Engulfs Papua New Guinea's Port Moresby Amidst Pay Deduction Dispute

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