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Namah Calls for Australia to reconsider PNG Prime Minister's invitation

Member for Vanimo-Green  Belden Namah has urged Australia to withdraw its invitation to Prime Minister James Marape to address the Australian Parliament. Citing diplomatic concerns and a potential motion of no confidence in the PNG government, Namah emphasizes that Marape's leadership has been marred by controversy.

On January 10th and 11th, PNG's consideration of a Chinese security proposal, in contrast to a recent pact with Australia, has strained diplomatic relations. Namah contends that Australia, as a close observer, should be aware of the reasons behind the unrest, including rising inflation, power and water outages, forex and fuel shortages, leading to the events of "BLACK WEDNESDAY" on January 10, 2024.

After a comprehensive security agreement with Australia, Foreign Affairs Minister Justin Tkatchenko hinted at the possibility of a counter security deal from China, prompting concerns from Australia. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese affirmed Australia as the "security partner of choice" for PNG.

Namah alleges that Marape's government is facing a motion of no confidence due to issues such as inflation, power outages, and fuel shortages. Accusing Marape of being a habitual liar, Namah highlights instances where the Prime Minister denied cursing the nation on national television and misrepresented directives to pay Paraka Lawyers.

Furthermore, Namah alleges that Marape awarded massive contracts to a company he is associated with, raising concerns about transparency and accountability. The Opposition Leader urges scrutiny of nearly K7 billion allocated for COVID-19 stimulus and special interventions, contributed by Australia, Japan, the World Bank, and the IMF.

Namah asserts that the Connect PNG program, designed to link economic corridors and communities, has been misused through cronyism and greed under Marape's administration. He warns that if Marape addresses the Australian Parliament, it would be perceived as an endorsement of his leadership style, a move that Namah believes Australians would not welcome.

Mr.Namah calls for Australia to reconsider its invitation to Marape, emphasizing the need for an honorable and deserving representative to address the Australian Parliament, especially considering the substantial aid provided by the Australian people to PNG since its independence.

Next : 

PM Marape Extends Condolences on Minister Jimmy Uguro's Untimely Death

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