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Komo Hulia MP Criticizes Former Petroleum Minister Kerenga Kua, Advocates for National Unity and Governance Reform

 Komo Hulia Member of Parliament, Daniel Tindipu, directed pointed remarks towards former Petroleum and Energy Minister, Kerenga Kua, challenging his accountability and tenure in a statement. 

"As a Minister Responsible for Petroleum and Energy who has held this portfolio for over 5 years under the current government, you cannot blame the current government for standards' decline in governance and accountability. You were part of this government," Tindipu asserted, questioning Kua's role in addressing critical issues during his tenure.

Tindipu continued his critique, asking, "Did you fix the outstanding Land Owner identification of PNG LNG? A project you, as a legal advisor of the Somare Government in 2009, allowed to proceed without social mapping and land demarcation. Did you address the outstanding Moran Landowner issues and Kutubu PDL2 issues created under your leadership? Papua LNG, Pasca LNG, and P'nyang LNG deals are reflective of your work over the past 5 years."

Highlighting Kua's position of authority, Tindipu reminded, "The Prime Minister, as the head of the executive government, entrusted and assigned you with the Petroleum Ministerial portfolio. You were in a better position under your jurisdiction as a state minister to reform your department. The good 5 years in office should manifest with reformation and restructuring to yield better outcomes."

Expressing frustration with long-standing political figures, Tindipu declared, "Our citizens are tired of old recycled leaders who talk about national issues affecting our country. You were in Parliament for more than 20 years and part and parcel of these issues, yet pretend to be saints with all the solutions to PNG's problems."

Tindipu urged fellow leaders to focus on concrete contributions to the country's development. "How much have we done for our districts and provinces that will contribute towards the development of this country? Most of the issues we raise are legacy issues that have been passed on from successive governments. We cannot blame the current government."

In a plea for unity, Tindipu emphasized, "We are mandated leaders and equally responsible for whatever outcome during our term. We must put our heads together for the good of our country. Vote of No Confidence (VONC) is not the solution to rescue our country. Regardless of how many VONCs we entertain, the issues will still be part of our society."

Highlighting the importance of political stability, Tindipu stated, "Political stability is paramount for policy continuity and good governance for our country. For 48 years, we have been busy playing and managing politics rather than building the nation. It is about time we leave unnecessary petty politics aside to revive, rehabilitate, rebuild, and restore good governance and stable democracy going forward."

Mr.Tindipu called for a collective effort to preserve the democratic institutions established by the founding fathers, stating, "Our founding fathers have done their part without proper education. They built the institutions and laws as a foundation for us young crop of leaders to build on, not to destroy it. Together, we can take back PNG."

Next : 

Namah Calls for Australia to reconsider PNG Prime Minister's invitation

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