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PNG Opposition Calls for Prime Minister's Resignation Amid Allegations of Financial Scandal

The Papua New Guinea (PNG) Opposition, led by Alternative Prime Minister Allan Bird and Opposition Leader Douglas Tomuriesa, has demanded the immediate resignation of Prime Minister James Marape. The call for resignation is rooted in the alleged involvement of Marape in the K 162 million Paul Paraka case.

During a press conference held earlier today, Tomuriesa emphasized the need for a thorough investigation into the allegations and urged accountability for those implicated in the scandal. The Opposition leaders expressed concern over what they perceive as Prime Minister Marape's evasion of questions in Parliament, suggesting a possible cover-up.

Marape, addressing the allegations on the parliamentary floor, maintained that the case is sub judice, currently before the courts, and therefore should not be publicly discussed elsewhere. However, former Justice Minister and Sinasina-Yongamulg MP Kerenga Kua contradicted Marape's stance, criticizing the Prime Minister for his alleged involvement in the case and expressing discontent over the delay in Marape's arrest despite evidence of his purported directive for the illegal payment.

The Opposition argued for equal accountability for leaders and ordinary citizens, urging the Police Commissioner to conduct a professional and unbiased investigation into the matter. Kua raised questions about the inaction of the Police Commissioner, who has been in office for over four years, and questioned why no investigations have been initiated into Marape's alleged involvement during his tenure as the responsible minister.

Furthermore, Kua questioned the lack of a directive from the Internal Security Minister for an investigation into Marape's role in the Paraka saga. In a bold move, the PNG Opposition not only demanded the resignation of Prime Minister Marape but also called for the resignation of the Police Commissioner and the Internal Security Minister if they fail to promptly arrest Marape and initiate a comprehensive investigation.

This developing story has sent shockwaves through the political landscape of Papua New Guinea, raising concerns about the integrity of the leadership and the urgency for a transparent and impartial inquiry into the allegations surrounding Prime Minister James Marape.

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