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Chimbu MPs Urge PNG Government Action Following Devastating Floods and Landslides

In the wake of catastrophic floods and landslides that have wreaked havoc in Chimbu Province, Members of Parliament (MPs) Kerenga Kua (Sinasina-Yongomugl) and James Nomane (Chuave) issued a joint plea for immediate government intervention to alleviate the plight of their constituents.

In a statement released recently, the MPs underscored the dire circumstances facing the province, citing loss of life, widespread destruction of agricultural lands, blocked roadways due to landslides, and extensive property damage. Kua emphasized the pressing need for the deployment of the PNG Defence Force (PNGDF) engineering battalion to clear obstructed routes in Sinasina-Yongomugl. He acknowledged the indispensable role of helicopter support in delivering aid but stressed its limitations in reaching all affected areas.

Kerenga Kua  MP for Sinasina-Yongomugl 

While expressing gratitude for ongoing helicopter assistance, Kua emphasized the necessity of adopting a more comprehensive approach to address the sustained disruption in access to essential supplies and services over the past two weeks. He cautioned against the potential exacerbation of relief challenges in the event of further rainfall.

Nomane urged the Ministry of Defence to expedite the release of allocated funds earmarked for disaster relief efforts. Specifically, he called for the immediate disbursement of funds from the K500 million disaster allocation to the Simbu Provincial Government. Nomane argued that the provincial government is best positioned to ascertain the prevailing conditions and logistical requirements for effective aid distribution. He advocated for a decentralized approach to relief coordination, contending that empowering the provincial government rather than central authorities in Waigani would better serve the province's interests.

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Chinese Government Donates $100,000 to Papua New Guinea Disaster Relief Efforts

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