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Australia's Support During Kaokalam Crisis Goes Beyond Monetary Aid, Says PNG Foreign Minister

 Papua New Guinea's Foreign Minister, Justin Tkatchenko, emphasized that Australia's recent $2.5 million (approximately K6.5 million) funding commitment for the people of Kaokalam extends far beyond mere financial assistance.

Tkatchenko highlighted that the support, announced by Australian Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles MP, includes an initial K6.5 million (A$2.5 million) in humanitarian assistance. He described this aid as a testament to the enduring strength of Papua New Guinea-Australia relations during both prosperous and challenging times.

Australia’s Disaster Assistance Response Team have landed last night in Papua New Guinea, ready to help following the devastating landslide in Enga Province [Photo by Australian High commission PNG]

The aid package aims to bolster the immediate response and recovery efforts following the devastating landslide in Enga Province. It includes technical experts, emergency relief supplies, and support from civil society organizations. Additionally, the Australian Defence Force will provide logistical support.

Tkatchenko expressed profound gratitude towards Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Foreign Minister Penny Wong, and the broader Australian government and populace. He noted that Australia's unconditional readiness to assist Papua New Guinea in facing their most formidable challenges holds significant meaning for the nation, adding that this commitment will leave a lasting impact on the people of Kaokalam.

Tkatchenko mentioned that the multifaceted support from Australia signifies a broader gesture of camaraderie and mutual assistance, reinforcing the strong ties that bind the two neighboring countries. He stated that Papua New Guinea would forever be grateful for Australia's unwavering support during their times of need.

Australia's swift response to Papua New Guinea's call for aid underscores the deep-rooted partnership and solidarity between the two nations.

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