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PNG Opposition Leader: Belden Namah
The Opposition has called on Papua New Guinea, to seriously rethink its partnership with Australia, blaming it of dictating its issues on P-N-G, while also blaming the Government of dancing to its tune, without proper consideration of issues.

Opposition Leader, Belden Namah, made the call this week, describing his group's silence over issues as a calculated move, saying the Opposition will not sit back, and watch issues and events happen, without having their say on them.

"We cannot continue to be dictated by Australia.Why are we being pushed around like puppets."We are an independent nation. "We have come this far, 40 years.

"We can't continue to be puppets to Australia.

"O'Neil-Dion govenrment has demonstrated time and time again that Papua New Guinea is going back to the days of colonialism," Mr. Namah said last week.

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