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What do PNGians expect from Vodafone's entry into the country?

 By Charlie Gilichibi

Smart Devices & Internet are the Next Digital Frontier for Mobile Telcos in PNG. It is inevitable that Vodafone Fiji will enter the PNG market by taking a managing stake in BeMobile.

At 5toea per MB, we can expect the internet to spread like wildfire around PNG just like mobile phones did when Digicel entered the market.

What impact will this have on the data and content consumer market in PNG?

Will smartphones, tablets and laptops be even more cheaper?

Will we see the tumbling of internet prices to more affordable levels? And how much would this be? 25toea, 15toea or 5 toea per MB?


Pacific Trade Invest, Published December 21, 2012

Vodafone Fiji is remaining non committal on revelations that it could soon manage Papua New Guinea mobile company, bemobile, says a report in the Fiji Times.

PNG Prime Minister Peter O’Neill made public on Tuesday that ‘other’ shareholders of bemobile were selling their shares to Vodafone Fiji and the Fiji National Provident Fund, says the Fiji Times.

Quoting the Post Courier, the report says, Mr O’Neill said the national government had increased its state shareholding to over 50 per cent and agreed for Vodafone Fiji to manage bemobile.

While Mr O’Neill had confirmed the PNG government was not selling their shares, he said Vodafone and FNPF had been tasked to manage bemobile on the shareholders behalf.

FNPF chief executive officer Aisake Taito gave some indication the revelations could be true, the paper says.

“FNPF is finalising the working details with all relevant stakeholders. We will make the announcement and all the necessary disclosures when appropriate, most likely in early 2013,” he is quoted as saying.

Vodafone Fiji was praised by Mr O’Neill for its management skills in the market environment and dominance in the mobile phone market share in Fiji.

“It is good for us to utilise them (Vodafone) to make bemobile profitable, competitive and pricing to our consumers is lower because of better competition between operators in this industry,” Mr O’Neill told Post Courier.

“Bemobile management has not been able to deliver on their commitments they have made to government.

“We have decided that to rebuild communication particularly Telikom in the country, it was necessary for us to maintain the investment in bemobile rather than investing in a third mobile network.”

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