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Nasty road accident left 10 people dead. Image credit: Benjamin K
A nasty road accident has left 10 people dead and several others in critical condition at the Boram General Hospital in Wewak, East Sepik province.

NBC News has been informed, among the dead, were three teachers, one of whom was a head teacher from Wosera. 

Authorities expect the casualties to increase.

The accident at Kreer Heights yesterday morning has been described by many in Wewak, as one of the worst in the province.

The Hino PMV servicing the 3-10 route which is the Maprik-Wewak road went off the main highway and landed some 50-meters down a valley throwing several passengers while taking others with it.

Reports regarding the accident are still sketchy at this stage. 

According to sources, the driver and his crew member ran away soon after the accident. 

Attempts to get reports from police in the province were unsuccessful.

NBC News also contacted the Office of the Director Medical Services of Boram General Hospital for further confirmation but he was not able to return our call when the report was compiled.

At the Wewak mortuary, weeping relatives turned out in numbers to confirm the news of the death of their loved ones.

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