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Sir Mekere Morauta. Getty Images
Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill's decision to take over Ok Tedi Mining Limited without compensation, has been described as, nothing more than stealing an asset belonging to the Western Province people.

Chairman of the P-N-G Sustainable Development Program Limited, Sir Mekere Morauta decried the decision, saying those shares are owned by the people and P-N-G-S-D-P is only a custodian of them. 

Sir Mekere, said the Prime Minister is legally and morally obliged to pay a full and fair price, if he is so determined to get his hands on the assets.

Last week, landowners representing North, Middle and South Fly, expressed concerns over the Prime Minister's move with fears, the intentions will suppress them from accessing vital services and other infrastructure development, currently enjoyed by the people, through P-N-G-S-D-P-L.

Sir Mekere said PNGSDP would do everything in its power to prevent expropriation without compensation, and was ready to take legal action if Mr O'Neill brought this dangerous legislation to Parliament and he says the company would stand with the people of Western Province, especially the communities affected by mine operations and landowners, who have voiced their strong opposition to the Government's plans.

"PNGSDP has a duty to protect Western Province people's assets, and will do so with all necessary legal means."

He said Stealing an asset worth approximately K2 billion to the people of Western Province, plus their annual K450 million share of the Ok Tedi dividends, is not acceptable legally or morally and it is unconstitutional as well.

Landowners  will also take necessary actions to keep their asset.

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